November 25 2022 - Extra-Ordinary meeting - Minutes
Held on Friday 25 November 2022, 7.00 pm at The Gables, 53 High Street, Leadenham.
PRESENT: Cllr Melanie Nelstrop (Chair), Cllr G McLusky (Vice-Chair), , Cllr T Sisson (arrived 19:39), Cllr K Willgoose.
Ruth Keillar (Clerk/RFO)
Also present: Mr M Everett Leader of the Play Area Working Group and Mrs J Olney, member of the Play Area Working.
0 other members of the public present.
CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS. Chair Cllr M Nelstrop welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Cllr N Johnson, Cllr S Locking, Cllr G Luff.
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.
To resolve to suspend the meeting to allow no more than 15 minutes of public forum.
No members of the public were present therefore no resolution was required.
a) To receive an update report from the Play Area Working Group.
Martyn Everett gave a verbal update with supporting documentation. The following points were noted:
i. The Sutcliffe quote for swings only £13,009.12, which had been tabled at the meeting of 11 October 2022, minute 13 and agreed to pursue at that time, had increased to £13,944.24 exVAT, £16,733.09 incl VAT.
ii. The quote is good until 20/02/2023.
iii. Based on this revised quote the third party contribution required is now £1,499.01, for FCC grant application 5093.
iv. It was noted that the application will record that the quote provided excludes VAT and that the PC can reclaim VAT, noting that the funding will not provide VAT which will be reclaimed. (see application section 4).
v. It was noted that the application must be submitted early December 2022, the decision will be known by 08/03/2023.
vi. Any shortfall in possible price increase after the expiry date of the quote, and the FCC decision will be address at the time.
b) To agree any action to be taken and to agree details relating to the grant application to Community Action Fund (FCC) and any action required.
It was proposed by Cllr M Nelstrop, seconded by Cllr K Willgoose and it was RESOLVED that the following be actioned:
i. The application will proceed for submission at the December 2022 deadline.
ii. The supplier is Sutcliffe Play, agreed by resolution at the meeting of 23/08/2022, minute 13 j), as identified as ‘supplier C’ for the tender process.
iii. The application is for the full amount of the Sutcliffe quote for Swings, £13,944.24 ex VAT.
iv. The Parish Council will contribute as the third-party funder, pledging £1,499.01.
v. The contribution will deploy CIL funding held by the Parish Council, for the use of community-based projects, which needs to be spent by May 2024.
vi. Named contacts to lead the application are Mr Martyn Everett and Mrs Jayne Olney, on behalf of the PC in their capacity as Play Area Working Group delegates.
vii. Cllr K Willgoose is Parish Councillor named as nominated person signatory for any funding actions needed and is the recipient of all Bank documentation and statements. It was noted that the clerk/RFO is not a signatory and has no access to the bank account.
viii. It was noted that a confirmation of bank mandate signatories comprises of Cllr M Nelstrop, Cllr G McLusky and Cllr K Willgoose. It was noted that it had been resolved to add Cllr M Nelstrop as signatory on 16/06/2015, minute 6 f) and that it had been resolved to confirm all signatories as Cllr M Nelstrop, Cllr G McLusky and Cllr K Willgoose on 18/08/2020, minute 5 f).
ix. It was noted that additional costs to the Parish Council, as outlined at the meeting of 13/07/2022, minute 12 c).
It was noted that the next meeting will be 13 December 2022, at the Village Hall.
There being no further business the Chair ended the meeting at 19:37.
Chair................................M, NELSTROP.............Date........................13/12/2022................................