November 10 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the above Council (held remotely by Zoom) on Tuesday, 10th November 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present (remotely by Zoom): Cllr M Nelstrop (Chairman), Cllr G McLusky, Cllr K Willgoose, Cllr S Locking, Cllr T Sisson.
In attendance (district and county councillors): –Cllr L Hague and Cllr M Overton.
No parishioners attended.
1. Apologies and declarations of interest
There were no apologies or declarations of interest.
2. Consideration and signing of draft notes into minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Willgoose and seconded by Cllr McLusky that the draft notes of the previous meeting held on 13th October 2020 be signed into Minutes. Passed unanimously.
3. Clerk’s Report
In the absence of a clerk the following matters arising were discussed:
* AGAR exemption form – Cllr McLusky said this would be dealt with under finance (item 5).
* Cllr Nelstrop said it had been established there was no cost for parts for the defibrillator at the Village Hall.
* The new website was now in draft form.
* Parish clerk position – there had been three applications. Interviews would take place over Zoom and LALC had confirmed this was acceptable. Cllrs McLusky and Nelstrop to arrange and conduct the interviews and district councillors Overton and Hague would also assist.
* New councillors. Nobody had yet come forward.
* ROSPA report – Cllr Nelstrop to pass this on to Bob Heald. 
* Speed indicator – Cllr Nelstrop had information on this which she would pass to Cllr Locking who would follow it up.
* The shared device was making its way slowly down the Cliff. It was expected in Navenby soon.
* Recent graffiti on the road and road signs had been reported to Highways and to the police.
4. Planning Matters
There were no planning matters to consider.
5. Financial matters
1. Bank accounts: Community account £5,629.58; Business account £9,969.17.
Glendale and ROSPA had yet to present cheques sent to them after last month’s meeting.
2. £91.14 had been received from NKDC for the litter picking grant.
3. Payments to be made: £30 to Royal British Legion for remembrance wreath; £180 to NKDC for premises licence for the Hall; £20 to NKDC for the Gambling Act fee; £250 to Intellitech for the website; £429.78 to Glendale for grass cutting; £1,940 to Came and Co for insurance.
Proposed by Cllr Nelstrop and seconded by Cllr Sisson that these payments be made. Passed unanimously.
The AGAR exemption form was considered. Cllr McLusky confirmed that the one sent by the accountants previously had been the wrong one. Proposed by Cllr Willgoose and seconded by Cllr McLusky that the form now be signed. Passed unanimously.
6. Police Report
No report.
7. District and County Councillor reports.
Cllr Overton reported on various matters, including her October and November newsletters; the availability of grants for business rate payers forced to close; tracing operations being carried out by NKDC. Schools were mostly staying open. Funding was likely to be tighter next year given the cost of the Covid pandemic.
Cllr Hague reported on a council tax support scheme consultation to run from October 26th to December 4th. Cllr Hague also reported that she would be vice-chair of NKDC until May 2022. Clr McLusky confirmed he would put Cllr Hague’s newsletter on the website.
8. New Clerk applications and process.
Already discussed under Clerk’s report.
9. General Correspondence.
There was none.
10. Matters for urgent discussion.
Cllr Locking reported that he, along with other residents at the northern end of Main Road, had received correspondence from the Kelways, owners of the empty land between Station House and Troops, which indicated a possible application for planning on that site was in the pipeline.
Cllr Sisson raised the question of the Parish Field and it was agreed to put this on the next Agenda.
Meeting closed at 20.40pm
Next meeting 8 December 2020 7.30pm.