August 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the above Council (held remotely by Zoom) on Tuesday, 18th August 2020 at 7.30 pm.

Present: Ms M Nelstrop (Chairman), Mrs K Willgoose, Mr G McLusky, Mr S Locking, Mr T Sisson.

In attendance (district and county councillors): – Cllr L Hague and Clllr M Overton.

In attendance (parishioners): Mr M Whitwam, Mr D Whiting, Mr K Whiting.

No parishioners’ questions were raised in advance of the commencement of the meeting.

Cllr Willgoose had difficulty connecting. The meeting being quorate, it commenced in her absence.

Cllr Willgoose joined at approximately 7.40.

1. Apologies and Declarations of interest.

There were no apologies. Declarations of interest were made as required throughout the meeting.

2. Consideration and signing of the Draft Notes of the previous meeting held on 26th May 2020.

The draft notes were considered.

Proposal: Cllr McLusky proposed, and Cllr Sisson seconded, that the draft notes be signed as a true record of the meeting. Passed unanimously. Cllr Nelstrop signed the Minutes of that meeting.

3. Consideration of the Clerk’s report on matter arising from the minutes.

The meeting considered a report prepared by former clerk Mrs H Proctor.

◦ A query to the insurer about freezer contents had been answered. Contents were included and there was no benefit to excluding them. A question about cover for the war memorial had not been answered and would need to be followed up.
◦ Handy man services – this was on the Agenda at item 9.
◦ Manure on verge at Gospel Lane – this had been reported to NKDC Environmental Dept.

No response had been received to date.

◦ Correspondence with Monitoring Officer – this was on the Agenda at item 11.

4. To consider planning matters.

Cllr Sisson expressed the view that this Council should no longer involve itself in planning matters and that residents should be encouraged to make comments directly to NKDC via the planning portal.

Application reference 20/107/TCA – fell sycamore tree on Poor Row. No comment except that this is in the conservation area. Otherwise we would defer to the NKDC tree officer.

Application reference 20/0913/FUL – revised application for three four-bedroom houses. Cllr Nelstrop said that Richard Nelstrop had spoken to the developer who had indicated that the entrance would be moved further west along Crow Lane.

Proposal: write to NKDC and comment that the tree on Poor Row was in the conservation area; and invite them to confirm that the developer would be moving the entrance to the housing development further west down Crow Lane.

Proposed: Cllr McLusky. Seconded: Cllr Locking. Passed unanimously.

5. To consider Financial Matters

a) Bank statements - Cllr Willgoose reported that the balance of the Community Account stood at £2,344.51 and the balance of the Business Manager account stood at £11,968.87. interest of 10p had been earned.

b) Payments in - £30 received from hire of parish field. A cheque from LAW for £2000 was to be paid in.

c) Payments out made during April to July –

£250 to Peter Reeve for playing field rent.
£557.68 to Glendale for grass cutting.
£352.66 to Came and Co. for insurance.
£130.00 to Holly Stubbs for accounting services.
£50.00 to Hospitality Services for internal audit services.
£290.00 – clerk’s salary.
£72.49 – HMRC (NI).
125.00 – clerk’s expenses.

d) Payments to be made: £557.67 to Glendale for grass cutting in June and July.

e) Agreement and signing off of the accounts as prepared for the external auditor.

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement. Cllr Nelstrop read and explained each point. All councillors individually signified their agreement to each point.

Proposal: Cllr Willgoose proposed, and Cllr Locking seconded, that the Annal Governance Statement be adopted. Passed unanimously.

Section 2 – Accounting Statement 2019/20. The statement, certified by the Responsible Financial Officer, was read and explained by Cllr Nelstrop.

Proposal: Cllr T Sisson proposed, and Cllr McLusky seconded, that the statement be approved. Passed unanimously.

Section 3 - the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2019/20, and the Annual Internal Audit Report 2019/20, were noted. No action required.

f) Consideration of new signatories required for cheques

Proposal: Cllr Sisson proposed, and Cllr Locking seconded, that Cllrs McLusky, Nelstrop and Willgoose be on the mandate. Passed unanimously. Cllr Willgoose to deal with the necessary forms.

6. To consider Police Report.

Cllr Nelstrop reported that none had been received. It had been some time since a Police report was received and it appeared that these were no longer going to be supplied.

7. To consider District and County Councillor reports.

Cllr Overton said that the Community Teams carrying out urgent minor works were working through outstanding items but had capacity to do more; potholes, signs, hedges, drainage etc. The council was encouraged to report any further items.

Cllr Overton commented on the recent planning application for the polo field, that both she and Cllr Hague spoke against the application but were, of course, unsuccessful. She commented that the cow barns on the site were an “unregistered” heritage asset, which simply meant that the work had not been done to register them. The PC, or anyone else could apply for them to be formally registered as a heritage asset.

Cllr Overton expressed her sadness at the retirement of Mrs H Proctor as clerk and paid tribute to her work and experience. Cllr Overton offered to assist with the process of finding a replacement should we require.

Cllr Overton also commented on the possibility of the introduction of a Unitary Authority for Lincolnshire. In her view, such arrangements lead to local people losing their “voice” in local government.

Cllr Overton also spoke about the recently published planning white paper under which local plans would go and be replaced by a national framework. Numbers for dwellings would be set by the national government and the local council’s role would be reduced to identifying where they would be built.

Cllr Overton reported that NKDC was out of pocket due to Covid-19 but not as badly affected as some.

Cllr Overton commented that the Boundary Commission recommendation had not followed her request that the Cliff Villages ward be retained in its present format. Their proposals were out for consultation.

Cllr Hague had supplied a written report the day before and had nothing to add to it. She was no longer on the planning committee. Cllr Overton commented that she had asked NKDC to return the planning committee to its former size.

8. To consider items of general correspondence

Cllr Locking raised the recent query from a resident about the re-opening of the play equipment. Cllr McLusky said that the equipment needed maintenance and then needed to be inspected and certified. It was possible that Martin Everett might do it as long as his qualification had not lapsed.

Cllr McLusky to reply to the resident and also to speak to Martin.

9. Consideration of procedures on filling the following vacancies:

a) New parish clerk. This will be advertised on the Clerk’s Link, through LALC and on the parish notice board. Cllr McLusky to be advised by LALC.

Proposal: Cllr Sisson proposed and Cllr Nelstrop seconded, that this matter be delegated for now to Cllr McLusky. Passed unanimously.

b) Cllr Nelstrop reported on the procedure for filling vacancies on this Council. NKDC Electoral Services had to supply the necessary notice which then had to be publicised. If ten residents asked for an election, an election had to be held. If they did not, further advice would be sought from NKDC.

Proposal: Cllr Sisson proposed, and Cllr Willgoose seconded, that Cllr McLusky be authorised to contact NKDC. Passed unanimously.

c) Village Handyman – this would be advertised on the notice boards and website. Cllr McLusky confirmed that the equipment purchased for the use of the previous handyman Martin Everett was in the council’s possession.

Proposal: Cllr Nelstrop proposed, and Cllr Locking seconded, that this matter be delegated for now to Cllr McLusky. Passed unanimously.

10. Matters for urgent discussion

Cllr Locking raised the issue of the speed camera device. The purchase had been approved and precepted for, but had been put on hold due to Covid-19. Cllr McLusky would speak to Mrs Proctor to ascertain how far this had got and revive it.

Cllr McLusky suggested we write to Cllr Overton with additional works. Cllr Sisson said he would write about potholes on High Street. Cllr Locking asked that this also mention the road leading into Post Office Row which has still not been addressed despite being reported before.

Cllr Sisson to contact NKDC for a form to apply for the litter picking grant.

Cllr McLusky would look for a quote to build the PC’s new website and this can be discussed at the next meeting.

11. Consideration of response requested by NKDC concerning letters between the District Council and the Parish Council

Cllr Nelstrop declared an interest in this item, as she was closely related to the tenant of the land affected by the original planning application which was the subject of this correspondence, and left the meeting.

Cllr McLusky suggested that it was not necessary to discuss this item in closed session.

A draft letter from the PC, which had been approved by NKDC as resolving the matter, had been circulated in advance of the meeting.

Proposal: Cllr Sisson proposed, and Cllr Willgoose seconded, that the letter be approved and sent.

Passed unanimously. Cllr McLusky to sign and send.

The Meeting closed at 21.06. Cllr McLusky thanked all those “present” for their patience with the new medium, including those parishioners who had attended.

Date of next meeting: 8th September, by Zoom.