May 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the above Council (held remotely) on Tuesday 26th May 2020 at 7.30 pm

Present: Ms M Nelstrop (Chairman), Mrs C Stokes, Mrs K Willgoose, Mr G McLusky, Mr T Sisson, Mr S Locking.

The meeting was held in closed session.

Apologies: none

Declarations of Interest: declared as required throughout the meeting

1. a) Consideration and signing of the Draft Notes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday March 3rd 2020 (held to discuss additional information submitted for planning application 19/1764/FUL – held in closed session)

Ms M Nelstrop (Chairman) declared interest in this matter (family being tenants of the land concerned with the application) and removed herself from the discussion.

Vice Chair, Mr G McLusky took the Chair.

Mr T Sisson proposed they be a true record of the meeting. Mrs K Willgoose seconded the proposal. There were no objections. Mr McLusky signed the Minutes of that meeting.

Councillor/ Chairman Ms M Nestrop was then recalled to the meeting and took the Chair.

1. b) Consideration and signing of the Draft Notes of the meeting held on March 10th 2020. Mr G McLusky proposed they be a true record of the meeting. Mrs C Stokes seconded the proposal. There were no objections. The Chairman signed the Minutes.

2. a) Planning Application 20/0551/TCA T1 Cherry Plum - prune up to 2m and thin out by removing suckers; T2 Varigated Maple - prune upto 2m; T3 Cherry - fell; T4 Silver Birch - prune upto 2m; T5 Conifer - remove; T6 Cedar - remove; T7 Conifer - reduce height 2m | 15 Waterloo Paddock Leadenham Lincoln Lincolnshire LN5 0QW

Councillors had no objections or comments regarding this application.

2. b) Planning Application 20/0491/FUL Partial Change of Use from Residential (C3) to include use as a holiday rental (Retrospective) | Woodford House 5 High Street Leadenham Lincoln Lincolnshire LN5 0PP

Councillor Mr G McLusky declared interest regarding this application (an immediate neighbour opted to withdraw from discussion). He removed himself from discussion.

Following discussion it was agreed unanimously to forward the following comments regarding this application to the Planning Authority:

Car parking provision: the application states there will be space for 3 vehicles to be parked in the area to the south side of the converted property (the old pub car park).

A considerable amount of that area has already been fenced off for a garden which raises the following observations:

a) The applicants already park three vehicles on this area. To accommodate B & B customer vehicles, will this entail some vehicles having to be displaced onto the High Street, where parking is already in severely short supply?

b) Three vehicles be parked on the remaining designated car parking area - is there sufficient safe turning space to allow them to exit safely onto High Street? To reverse out onto High Street would not be safe, as view would be severely restricted along High Street towards The George Hotel, given vehicles are parked the entire length of the Street. This could be particularly challenging for guests unfamiliar with the area.

c) Should three vehicles be parked in the remaining car parking are - this will restrict (if not make it impossible) access for emergency vehicles, particularly the access which is required to the residential property to the rear of the area (on the west side).

Mr G McLusky was then recalled to the meeting.

2.c) Planning Application 19/1764/FUL Proposal: Creation of an all-weather facility comprising of a polo arena, conversion of farm buildings into stables, new fencing, landscaping, lighting scheme, new car parking area Location: North Hilltop Farmhouse The Heath Leadenham

Additional information submitted in support of the application

Ms M Melstrop (Chairman) declared interest in this application (family being tenants of the land concerned with this application) Ms Nelstrop removed herself from the meeting. Vice Chair Mr G McLusky took the Chair.

Following discussion Councillors unanimously agreed on the following comments/objections regarding the submission of supporting evidence:

Any issues raised in this submission have already been commented upon by Leadenham Parish Council and are in the public domain - heritage and the official recommendations regarding the standards required for the stabling of horses in particular.

The Council does not accept the conclusions of the Final Report.

Ms M Nelstrop was then recalled to the meeting and took the Chair

3. Matters for Urgent Discussion

a) Parish Council Insurance Policy renewal – Mrs C Stokes put forward queries of the need regarding two aspects of cover currently provided: Freezer contents and undamaged tenants improvements. Councillors agreed to question this inclusion.

War memorial cover was questioned as not included. Clerk to check that cover is included in the Village Hall Insurance policy.

b) Handyman Services – Mr Everett has had to resign as village Handyman. He is to be thanked for his diligence and attention to carrying out works within the parish.

Interest has been put forward by a parishioner to take on the post. This will be followed up.

c) Manure on the verges on Gospel Lane – several residents had brought this to Councillors’ attention. One concern raised was the possibility of leaching into the lake lower down. The matter will be followed up.

d) Ms Nelstrop reported that the tree branches on the Green were over growing again and becoming a nuisance to pedestrians particularly in wet weather. She volunteered to trim and remove them. Councillors were in agreement.

e) Correspondence received from Monitoring Officer and Chief Executive (NKDC) to be acknowledged and will be considered at a further meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8 50 pm.