December 8 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the above Council (held remotely by Zoom) on Tuesday, 8th December 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Present (remotely by Zoom): Cllr M Nelstrop (Chairman), Cllr G McLusky, Cllr K Willgoose, Cllr S Locking, Cllr T Sisson.
In attendance (district and county councillors): –Cllr L Hague and Cllr M Overton.
No parishioners attended.
1. Apologies and declarations of interest
There were no apologies or declarations of interest.
2. Consideration and signing of draft notes into minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Willgoose and seconded by Cllr Locking that the draft notes of the previous meeting held on 10th November 2020 be signed into Minutes. Passed unanimously.
3. Clerk’s Report
In the absence of a clerk the following matters arising were discussed:
* New website – this was progressing. Cllr McLusky said this would be set up so that the new clerk could update it as required.
* New councillors – Mr G Luff had applied. Cllr McLusky to check with LALC the procedure for interviewing him.
* ROSPA report – still to be actioned. TS to get it copied for Cllr Nelstrop.
* SPID – Cllr Locking was dealing. It was believed to be in Navenby. Cllr McLusky to email the Navenby PC clerk.
* New clerk – Mrs Ruth Keillar of Coleby had been appointed and was expected to start in December. Mrs Keillar had previous experience of being the clerk to Nocton PC.
* Emails – separate email addresses were to be set up for each councillor for PC business.
4. Planning Matters
The only planning matter was the application for removal of the blue spruce at the Feathers House on Back Lane. Agreed to ask the NKDC tree officer for his view.
5. Financial matters
Cllr Willgoose said no new statement had been received since the last meeting. There were therefore no new balances to report.
All payments stated as due to be paid at the last meeting had been made.
The only payments to be made were the contribution of £500 to the Parochial Church Council and £100 to Jenny Booth for gardening/maintenance work on the fountain area.
Proposed by Cllr Nelstrop and seconded by Cllr Sisson that the payments be made. Passed unanimously.
6. Police Report.
No report.
7. District and County Councillor reports.
Cllr Hague referred to her report from last Sunday and had nothing to add – it was on the NKDC website.
reported on a council tax support scheme consultation to run from October 26th to December 4th. Cllr Hague also reported that she would be vice-chair of NKDC until May 2022. Cllr McLusky confirmed he would put Cllr Hague’s newsletter on the website.
Cllr Overton reported on various matters. Her Christmas report and letter were about to come out.
Government funding allocated was more than expected but there would still be a shortfall leading to increases in council tax of around 2% each for both district and county councils.
Highways had done quite a lot of work, with more to do – Cllr Overton encouraged us to keep reporting problems.
Cllr Overton updated the meeting on the availability of Covid grants for rated premises which had been required to close. There was a separate grant for businesses affected which were not business rated, such as taxi drivers, mobile hairdressers, etc. Cllr Overton said the NKDC was being very helpful in supporting small businesses.
School attendance was between at 85% and 90% so “bubbling” seemed to be working.
The highways issue of school buses using the High Street was raised by Cllr Sisson. Agreed this is an area to monitor. The difficulty of buses turning right out of the “top” junction onto the A17 was mentioned. Entering the village from the top junction and leaving by the lower one was a possible compromise. Further research was needed into the existing Traffic Restriction Order. It was possible that the George Hotel also had a CCTV camera which might record traffic using that part of the High Street. Any suggestions could in sue course be put to LCC road safety.
8. Parish Field
Agreed we will ask James Fairman for a quote to value this. An indication of the freehold value of the playing field might also be asked for. When we have that we can consider what might be the next step.
9. General Correspondence.
* Correspondence received re availability of copies of the electoral register.
* Correspondence from Citizen’s Advice about energy saving – consider this for the new website.
* Martin Everett re high Street – already discussed.
10. Matters for urgent discussion.
The precept was to be discussed at the January meeting and this would go on the Agenda.
Meeting closed at 20.51pm
Next meeting 12 January 2021.