October 13 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the above Council (held remotely by Zoom) on Tuesday, 13th October 2020 at 7.30 pm.
Present (remotely by Zoom): Cllr M Nelstrop (Chairman), Cllr G McLusky, Cllr K Willgoose, Cllr S Locking, Cllr T Sisson.
In attendance (district and county councillors): –Cllr L Hague and Cllr M Overton. No parishioners attended.
1. Apologies and declarations of interest
There were no apologies or declarations of interest.
2. Consideration and signing of draft notes into minutes.
Proposed by Cllr Willgoose and seconded by Cllr McLusky that the draft notes of the previous meeting held on 8th September 2020 be signed into Minutes. Passed unanimously.
3. Clerk’s Report
In the absence of a clerk the following matters arising were discussed:
* New signatories for cheque account/s: this had now been dealt with.
* Parish Clerk. This post had been advertised. Two applications had been received so far. The closing date was 30 October. Cllr nelstrop to speak to CLlr Overton about how to conduct the interviews.
* Advertisement for new councillors. The vacancies had been advertised. There had been no response. We can therefore consider co-opting. Councillors were asked to consider who might be asked to join.
* Advertisement for handyperson. Bob Heald was the only applicant – see below. 
4. Planning Application – underground low voltage overhead power line.
This was in connection with the development on the former car sales site. There were no comments.
5. Village Handyperson
Bob Heald was the only applicant for this post. It was proposed to give him 10 hours per month at £15 per hour. Proposed by Cllr McLusky and seconded by Cllr Sisson. Passed unanimously. Also agreed he be asked to look at the items identified in the ROSPA report.
6. Quote for new Website (Intellitech)
Cllr McLusky had received a quote of £250 and just needed to check if that was inclusive of VAT or not. Proposed by Cllr Sisson and seconded by Cllr Nelstrop that we proceed. Passed unanimously.
7. Certificate of Exemption
This was deferred as Cllr McLusky was concerned that the external auditors had directed him to the wrong form online.
8. Financial matters
Bank accounts: Community account £3,736,84; Business account £11,969.07.
£2000 had been paid into the Community Account from the Leadenham All Weather committee. £557.67 had been paid out of the Community Account to Glendale (grass cutting) for August.
Payments to be made: ROSPA (for play equipment report) £90.60; Glendale (grass cutting) £246.86.
Proposed by Cllr Nelstrop and seconded by Cllr Locking that these payments be made. Passed unanimously.
Cllr Nelstrop was investigating the cost of replacement Pads for the defibrillator at the Village Hall.
9. Police Report
No report.
10. District and County Councillor reports.
Cllr Overton reported on various matters, including: proposals for Lincolnshire to become a Unitary Authority, which had been turned down for now; ongoing issues with highways repairs; and proposals for changes to the planning system put forward by national government. It was confirmed we were receiving her newletter.
11. General correspondence
Cllr McLusky agreed to contact LALC regarding holding Parish Clerk interviews online.
12. Matters for urgent discussion.
Cllr Willgoose raised the issue of road markings outside the village school. Those outside the Academy in Welbourn had been done but those outside the village school had not. Cllr Nelstrop to look into that and take it up with highways if necessary.
Speed device – former Cllr Stokes had passed the information on this to Cllr Nelstrop who would progress it.
Meeting closed at 20.38pm – Signed Chair – Ms M Nelstrop
Next meeting10 November 2020.