Report of actions taken September 01 - September 30 2021, under Clerk Advisory Actions.

Chair: Cllr Melanie Nelstrop, Vice-Chair: Cllr Graham McLusky
Councillors: Stephen Locking, Gary Luff, Tim Sisson, Karin Willgoose, 
Actions taken during under the terms of the Delegated Powers to the Clerk resolution, minute 04/05/21/18c.
01/09/2021 – 30/09/2021
a) Applications received: 
i. LCC REFERENCE:  PL/0120/21 (received 14/09/21 – circulated 07/10/21)
GRID REFERENCE:  496045     352178
The County Council has received an application for the above development.  The application can be viewed and commented upon online using the following link:
Comments by 05/10/21 (delayed).
ii. 21/1213/ADV (received 23/09/21 – circulated 07/10/21)
Proposal:  Erection of non-illuminated signage boards and flags to advertise new residential development
Location:   Land Off Main Road Leadenham   
Comments by 17 October 21.
It was noted that the signs had already been erected for at least a month by 11/10/21. 
NKDC was notified of this and no comment submitted.
b) Decisions received:
c) Street Numbering
i. Lavender House, 2A Crow Lane, Leadenham, Lincoln, LN6 0PJ (02/09/21).
ii. Land off Main Road Leadenham, 25 Dwellings 18/1045. NKDC require the PC to suggest a street name for the proposed new development alternatively the naming can be selected by NKDC/the developer (17/09/21)
d) Tree applications received:
i. 21/1339/TCA. The Rectory, Church End, Leadenham, T1 Elm – fell.
Comments by 27/09/21.
Comments submitted: Leadenham Parish Council has no comments regarding this application. (07/09/21).
ii. 21/1478/TCA. 1 Poor Row, Main Road, Leadenham. T1/T2 Lime – remove overhanging branches on Southern boundary to give 10 feet clearance.
Comments by 20 October 21.
No comments submitted.
iii. 21/1485/TCA. Field House 7 High Street Leadenham LN5 0PP
T1 Bay - reduce height by 6ft and trim sides to keep a conical shape; T2 Purple Leaf Plum - crown reduce 2m and prune back branches growing on neighbours roof; T3 Laurel - crown reduce by 1-2m and remove branches growing on neighbours wall.
Comments by 20 October 21.
No comments submitted.
iv. 21/1384/TCA. 2 Waterloo Paddock, Leadenham, LN5 0QW. T1 cherry – crown reduce by 2-3m, crown raise 4-5m over footpath; T2 Cherry - crown reduce by 2-3m, crown raise 4-5m over footpath; T3 Cherry - crown reduce by 3-4m, remove 2 x limbs close to fence.
Comments by 4 October 21.
Comment submitted 07/10/21: Leadenham Parish Council has no comment regarding this application.
a) Correspondence received from a member of the public requesting that the Play Area be invested in.(circulated to all 02/09/2021).
b) RoPSA Report received and circulated to all, incl M Everett. (02/09/21). It was noted that an investigation into the costs and feasibility of repair/replacement should be carried out and reported at the next meeting for consideration.
Litter picking report submitted to NKDC (06/09/21)
5. VILLAGE MAINTENANCE – any updates
03/08/2021. Cllr G McLusky has provided a list of maintenance requirements to the Village Keeper, as follows:
1. Dog bin on A607 junction with North Road is over grown with tree branches.
2. The Litter Bin adjacent is being strongly guarded by a 6 ft high thistle and tree branches
3. The bus shelter there is over grown with ivy, with strands hanging down across the front 
4. There is a stretch of bushes on the verge, on the approach to the bus shelter on 607 going south from the pond direction, which are again beginning to grow across the pavement, need cutting back please.
5. Problems with the drain on the junction North Road/A607 apparently might need clearing back
6. Coming out from Quarry Lane onto the A607 in the car - viewing to the left (along towards the garage) is somewhat restricted as the bushes there are overgrown.
7. Gully on main road near Crow Lane could do with digging back along pavement
8. Around Crow lane road sign and narrow verge needs a strim
9. High street from traffic lights around and past Willoughby - Lots of weeds. Perhaps spray off
10. If you take a trip along 607 past the church there is thorny overgrowth hanging into pavement along wall down to St Anne's well. It is catching walkers and annoying them
11. Have a look past St Anne's on the right for overgrowth from hedges up to bridge.
12. Village hall trees on left. All these are growing into car parking areas and could do with trimming back
Notification has been received from LCC, Dan Clayton CEnv MIEMA, Sustainability Manager, LCC regarding a tree planting initiative and attached survey. This has been forwarded to the local Plant for the Planet group, who may assist with this survey, for submission to LCC.
North Kesteven District Council would like to invite local charities, groups and Community Interest Companies (CICs) to a Good Cause Launch in preparation for the roll out of the North Kesteven Community Lottery. 
The virtual event will be held on Monday 13 September 2021 at 19.00 via Microsoft Teams, and will give charities, groups and CICs the opportunity to find out more about the lottery, how it will work for them and how they can apply to be a good cause. 
All groups are welcome to apply, from voluntary support groups, sports clubs and everything in between. Once launched the NK Lottery will support community projects in the local area with a draw every Saturday evening, PLUS the opportunity for lottery players to win £25,000 every week. Tickets for the weekly draw cost £1 each and will be available to purchase by direct debit or payment card via a dedicated NK lottery website. Lottery players are able to choose which good cause they want to support when they buy their tickets, and 50p from every ticket bought goes directly to their chosen cause! In addition 10p is allocated to ‘other good causes’. The remainder being put towards prizes, operating costs and VAT. All approved Good Causes will be able to set up their own lottery page, for free, and receive income directly from the sale of tickets. No catch, and no cost! In order to attend the launch, groups must register through Eventbrite, and a link to join the event will be forwarded closer to the date: NK Community Lottery Good Cause Launch Tickets, Mon 13 Sep 2021 at 19:00 | Eventbrite For any groups unable to register using Eventbrite, please email the Partnerships Team on:
Please be advised that these are notes of the informal Working Group Meeting called by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings. They represent a record of actions taken by the Clerk under the Delegated Powers Resolution, made on 04/05/2021, minute 18c.