June 11 2024 - Minutes
Held on Tuesday 11 June 2024, 7.15 pm at Leadenham Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr M Nelstrop (Chair), Cllr P Dowen, Cllr M Everett, Cllr P Linacre, Cllr K Willgoose.
Ruth Keillar (Clerk/RFO).
Also present DCllr Lucille Hagues (part meeting).
0 member(s) of the public present.
Chair’s Opening Remarks.
Cllr M Nelstrop opened the meeting at 19:08, as all members were present, and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Cllr S Hall.
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.
None at this point.
0 members of the public were present.
It was proposed by Cllr K Willgoose, seconded by Cllr P Linacre and it was RESOLVED that Notes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14 May 2024 be approved as a true record and signed as Minutes.
a) Applications received:
i. 24/0553/HOUS Proposal: This application was received then withdrawn as NKDC confirmed that no planning permission was required.
ii. Planning Application Reference: 24/0661/HOUS Proposal: Erection of two storey rear extension and detached double garage and demolition of wall and toilet block. Location: 3 Post Office Yard Leadenham Lincoln Lincolnshire LN5 0QA.
Comments by 30 June 2024. No comments.
b) Decisions received: None to date.
To receive reports from the following:
a) District Councillor (DCllr Lucille Hagues, Cllr M Overton). District news – click here. DCllr Lucille Hagues added an update regarding the number of council-provided properties, 4000 in NKDC, 494 built sine 2010, 28 applications for right to buy and 18 sold to date.
b) County Councillor (Cllr M Overton). Newsletters can be found here.
a) Buses and HGVs.
i. Chief Constable - To note that no response had been received following the clerk’s letter issued 07/05/24. It was suggested that a reminder letter be sent to chase any response.
ii. Lorry Watch complaint – a report had been circulated to all
LCC had confirmed that they do not provide feedback when reports are made via the portal however Cllr M Everett asked that a further request be made to ask if feedback can be provided concerning any action taken as a result of his reports and it was agreed that the clerk do this.
iii. HGVs travelling through village to Glenrowan site – a report had been circulated to all. NKDC has confirmed that there are no restrictions or stipulations within the planning consent regarding HGV routes. LCC has still to confirm the cost for sending a solicitor’s letter. Cllr M Everett reported that the volume seemed to be reducing. It was agreed that no further work be done on this item as it was unlikely to present a strong case for legal action.
b) To receive any updates regarding the footpath adjacent to the railway bridge and to consider any action required. Cllr M Nelstrop reported that this had been a point of discussion during the Highways Walk and it had been confirmed that funding is tabled and negotiations are taking place with the landowner.
c) To note that the LCC Highways Village Walk took place on June 10 at 2pm and was attended by LCC Highways officer Rowan Smith, Cllr M Nelstrop and Cllr M Everett, Cllr P Dowen had been unable to attend. Cllr M Nelstrop gave a verbal report and Rowan Smith has submitted a written update, to be circulated.
d) It was reported by Cllr P Dowen that areas around the village had overgrown vegetation and weeds at private properties which caused difficulty for pedestrians. It was agreed that Cllr P Dowen draft text to submit to the three Villages and a Hamlet magazine, via the clerk.
a) Following complaints from Cllrs, raised at the last meeting, it had been agreed between meetings that the contractor carry out an additional cut each month for the time being. The contractor had submitted a report which had been circulated to all.
b) Comparisons raised by Cllr M Everett and Cllr P Linacre regarding the superior conditions of grass-cutting in the playing fields at Fulbeck and Caythorpe had been investigated and a report circulated. It was acknowledged that the grass at these two villages was kept at a higher standard due to them being used for cricket and league standard sports.
c) It was agreed that no further action was required and that the Clerk would liaise with the contractor regarding cuts, depending on the weather conditions and growth.
a) Request from Ron Bailey, researcher to Lord Foster, HoP, to support their campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries (used in e-bike and e-scooters) and their disposal. The PC is invited to support to cause. (circulated to all 21/05/24).
b) Goerge Hotel, Email sent to Conservation Officer, NKDC, regarding the deteriorating condition of the George Hotel, as reported by Cllr M Everett. (25/05/24). Reply received 29/05/24 stating that this will be put on file and raise it as a concern with our enforcement team to see if anything can be done to improve the situation.
c) George Hotel, Email sent to a member of the community regarding the George Hotel, ref minute 14/05/24, 19 b)i (25/05/24).
d) LVH/Charitable Trust, request for a meeting between Cllr M Nelstrop and LVH Chair Mrs Onley, arranged for 10/06/24. Cllr M Nelstrop reported that the charitable trust terms and a possible long term tenure had been discussed and talks would be ongoing. It was agreed that the Clerk enquire about LTT agreements via the Clerks’ Forum.
e) NKDC SSL letter received regarding the legal duty to report on SSL activities. This was copied to LVH Chair and she agreed that LVH would take over this licence, including annual fee of £20 and reportage responsibilities (31/05/24).
f) Tree opposite Blacksmiths Close area, Email sent to Jas Martin, regarding the tree highlighted by Cllr P Dowen at the last meeting. (15/05/24). Confirmation received by return that the landowner has been fully informed and advice given by the agent.
g) Play area:
i. Goal posts in the playing field have been refurbished by Cllr P Linacre (confirmed by email 22/05/24).
ii. Barrier fencing posts and safety tape ordered and delivered to Cllr P Linacre, minute 14/05/24, 16 b) ii. Cost £24.15+VAT.
iii. Benches in the play area, one has been removed due to irreparable condition and suspected vandalism 24/05/24. Three benches remain and Cllr M Everett reported his concerns regarding the potential for injury, however confirmed that they were not an immediate H&S risk at present and could be reviewed in a months’ time.
iv. Play area report 01/06/24 states that the metal slide has been repainted, ropewalk adequate but deteriorating.
v. Litter bin at the play area reported 11/05/24 as damaged due to suspected vandalism or animal activity. It was agreed that a replacement liner be investigated and that the clerk would send Cllr P Linacre details of the bin supplier recommended by NKDC.
h) Benches at the LAW area had been highlighted by Cllr M Everett as being in a poor state of repair. It was agreed that no action be taken regarding these benches at this time.
i) Litter picking, Cllr M Everett has notified the Chair and Clerk, 01/06/24, that he is no longer able to participate in this activity. No alternative team leader has been suggested. Cllr M Everett reported that this step down also applied to maintenance tasks, alongside Cllr P Linacre. It was noted that the litter picking and maintenance equipment is stored at Cllr M Everett’s home and arrangements for access or relocation should be considered.
It was agreed that Cllr P Dowen liaise with Cllr M Everett regarding the handover of litter picking activity.
It was agreed that Cllr P Linacre contact a general handyperson he knows to enquire if works on behalf of the Pc would be of interest and at what cost.
j) LALC has issues pre-election briefing notes circulated to all 25/05/24.
k) Training Bulletin received from LALC and circulated to all (25/05/24).
l) Notice of Vacancy following the resignation of Cllr N Johnson posted and confirmation received 06/06/24 that co-option may take place.
m) LALC webmaster has circulated advice on phishing emails, which have become more frequent, with some PCs experiencing potential cyber-attacks. The info is posted onto the PC website and a copy is available for the notice boards for public information.
n) Solar Action Group, contact was made with the local organiser, Mr B Earnshaw 19/05/24, and correspondence was passed onto Cllr M Everett and Cllr P Dowen.
o) LIVES Quarterly report received: all rescue ready. Pads due to expire 28/09/24. The PC may wish to replace these using CIL funds, when due.
a) 10/06/24 – email received from a member of the public regarding overgrown vegetation on the footpath which runs between the VH and the primary school. This was reported to fixmystreet and the action confirmed back to the correspondent.
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation at 10/06/2024.
i. Statement of Accounts at 11/06/2024:
Lloyds Treasurer’s Account (****9760) £60.52
Lloyds BB Inst (savings) Account (****7762) £38,695.04
Sub-total £38,755.56
Equals Account (****9509) £278.74
Total £39,034.56
Royal Fund £331.80
Incl Interest accrued: (June) £45.01
Income included in balances: n/a
Income excluded in balances: n/a
06/06/24 Lloyds BB Inst (savings) Account (****7762)
To Lloyds Treasurer’s Account (****9760) £1,000.00
ii. To ratify payments made between 11/05/24 – 11/06/2024:
9 | MRS ANDREA SMITH | AUDIT | 43.75 | IA 23-24 |
10 | R KEILLAR | CLERK SALARY | 343.20 | MAY |
11A | R KEILLAR | CLERK OFFICE | 26.00 | MAY |
12 | CLEAR COUNCILS | INSURANCE | 514.87 | 02/06/24-02/06/25 |
It was noted that item 12 is £84.87 over budget.
It was noted that renewal of Microsoft Office 365, £59.99, is due this week and will be auto-paid by Equals.
Balance of accounts at 11/06/2024:
It was proposed by Cllr M Nelstrop seconded by Cllr K Willgoose and it was RESOLVED that the statement of accounts and payments be approved.
INCOME/GRANTS for note only:
CIL £ | CIL USED £ | BALANCE £ | ||
CIL#1 April 2019 | 1,523.25 | 54.99 | 1,468.26 | UP TO MAY 2024 |
1,395.86 | 72.40 | |||
72.40 | 0.00 | |||
CIL#2 12/05/2021 | 1,904.14 | 1,904.14 | UP TO MAY 2026 | |
547.60 | 1,356.54 | |||
CIL#3 25/01/2022 | 2,503.82 | 2,503.82 | UP TO MAY 2027 | |
CIL#4 18/10/2023 | 2,192.50 | 2,192.50 | UP TO MAY 2028 | |
CIL#5 10/04/2024 | UP TO MAY 2029 | |||
TOTAL RECEIVED | 8,123.71 | |||
BALANCE AVAILABLE | 6,052.86 | |||
15/02/2023 | PARISH FIELD PLAQUE | 54.99 | ||
27/07/2023 | PLAY AREA | 1,395.86 | ||
16/11/2023 | defib cabinet | 620.00 | ||
TOTAL SPENT | 2,070.85 |
Ringfenced for election costs £3,000
S137 £9.93 per elector. x310 = £3,078.30
b) AGAR 2023-2024.
It was noted that AGAR documents were submitted to the external auditor, PKF Littlejohn, on 21/05/2024 and all relevant documents had been posted onto the PC website.
The Notice for the Public Rights to View commenced on 03/06/24 and closes on 12/07/24.
It was agreed that a spot-check of accounts be carried out prior to the next meeting.
It was noted and ratified that the PC Insurance for the year 02/06/24 – 25, was renewed with the current insurer, Clear Councils (formerly BHIB) at a cost of £514.87.
a) Old Memorials – to note any updates to the plan agreed at the meeting of 09/04/24, minute 13a. No updates were available.
b) War Memorial, to receive any updates regarding the War Memorial, NKDC funding and to agree any action. Cllr S Hall was not present therefore no updates were available.
Cllr P Linacre gave a verbal report, supported with quotes. An alternative to concrete, called fastdek, had been quoted on by one of the potential suppliers. It was agreed that the Clerk enquire in the clerk’s forum, to see if any other PCs had experience of this product. It was agreed that Cllr P Linacre ask the supplier where they had used this before for PCs.
15. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING. To consider any items for inclusion in the next agenda.
To note that the next meeting of the Parish Council is Tuesday 09 July 2024.
There being no further business the Chair ended the meeting at 20:39
Signed (Chair)............................M.NELSTROP......................Date.............09/07/2024...............