Glenrowen Homes letter 14/08/2023

14th August 2023
Dear residents,
We write to inform you of changes to the planned road works.
To try and reduce disruption, the works on the A607 and Quarry Lane have now changed.
Although the road closure notices will stay in place for Quarry Lane from 29th August – 15th September, we now anticipate a worst-case scenario will be that Quarry Lane will be closed during w/c 4th September.
However, we hope to complete all of the works on traffic lights and keep Quarry Lane open during the works from 21st August – 15th September. 21st–25 th August the A607 will be on 3 way traffic lights onto Quarry Lane and 26th - 28th August will be a full road closure on the A607 to Quarry Lane as previously planned and hopefully continue with traffic lights until 15th September.
All necessary traffic management has been agreed with local authorities and will be in place.
All businesses will be open as usual. Some bus services and stops may be suspended from Leadenham to Wellingore 26 th August – 28th August.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused in advance and hope to complete this works as swiftly as possible.
Kind regards
Glenrowan Home