July 11 2023 - Minutes

Held on Tuesday 11 July 2023, 7.15 pm at Leadenham Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr G Luff (Vice-Chair), Cllr Paul Dowen, Cllr M Everett, Cllr N Johnson, Cllr K Willgoose.
Ruth Keillar (Clerk/RFO)
Also present: DCllr Lucille Hagues (part meeting only).
0 members of the public present.
CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS. Acting Chair Cllr G Luff welcomed everyone to the meeting.
       Apologies had been received from Cllr Melanie Nelstrop (Chair), reasons accepted.
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. 
3. PUBLIC FORUM. No members of the public were present. 
It was proposed by Cllr K Willgoose, seconded by Cllr M Everett and it was RESOLVED that Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 13 June 2023 be approved as a true record and signed as Minutes.
DCllr Lucille Hagues arrived at this point.
At the Acting Chairs discretion, item 6 b) was taken at this point.
a) Applications received: 
i. Proposed Telecommunications Base Station Upgrade at Leadenham Reservoir, Off Sleaford Road, North Leadenham, Lincolnshire, LN5 0QD (NGR: E 496192 N 351621)
Circulated to all 20/06/23. Deadline for comments extended to 12 July 2023.
No objection, the PC support this application.
b) Decisions received: 
c) Street Naming: 
i. Royal Meadow – street numbering plan received and posted onto the PC website.
To receive reports from the following:
a) Local Police – click HERE for information. Police Newsletter – click HERE
b) District Councillor (DCllr Lucille Hagues, Cllr M Overton). District news – click HERE
c) County Councillor (Cllr M Overton). Newsletters can be found HERE
DCllr Lucille Hagues had nothing to add. 
d) Village Hall Committee. No new reports were available. 
It was agreed that this item be deferred to the September meeting.
a) Cllr M Everett gave a verbal update. 
i. Tarmac and Glenrowan Homes have been contacted to request that the HGVs follow the correct route through the village.
ii. Tarmac has replied that their goods are carried by owner drivers and they have no authority over their actions. It was noted that no Tarmac vehicles are currently driving through the village.
iii. Glenrowan Homes has replied to say that they use contractors for whom they are not responsible. They have again circulated to their contractors a map of the legal route.
iv. The Police have been updated but are not logistically able to monitor the activity of HGVs on a regular basis.
v. Cllr G Luff informed the meeting that this negation of responsibility by Tarmac and Glenrowen Homes is incorrect and that they are legally responsible for checking various activities of contractors, e.g Green Credentials, duty of care etc.
vi. Cllr M Everett suggested that a Court Order may be applied for regarding the HGVs activity. It was agreed that this action be postponed until a later date, if required.
vii. It was agreed that a letter pointing out the legal responsibilities be drafted and issued. Cllr G Luff will draft this, and the Clerk will send it to the relevant companies.
viii. It was agreed that the PC will pursue the request already issued to the SWRA school, for a meeting between Cllr G Luff and their representative, Sarah Williams. (email asking for a meeting was sent to SW, cc Cllr G Luff, on 14/06/23, no response received to date).
b) Footpath adjacent to the railway bridge. The member of the public alluded to by Cllr M Nelstrop at the May meeting had yet to contact the Clerk for the relevant LCC Highways contacts. 
To consider the Parish Clerk’s Report:
a) SID currently with Welbourn and will be deployed in Leadenham next. Person to move the device around required. Date of receipt tbc and person(s) to collect/move the device tbc.
b) Defibrillator LIVES quarterly report received; approved as ready for use.
c) Facebook profile created and accepted as member of Leadenham Village Group, as agreed at minute 13/06/2023 9, for the posting of agendas and minutes only.
d) LALC training bulletin circulated to all 05/07/2023.
e) Speed Indicator Device, following the agreement at the last meeting, 13/06/23, minute 10 a), to re-investigate the purchase of a SID, (previously rejected on 23/08/22, minute 7 b) the Clerk has not progressed this as yet, due to current work-load. It will be added to a future agenda for consideration.
f) Solar Farm Briefing by C/DCllr Marianne Overton, 11/07/23. Cllr M Everett and Cllr P Dowen  attended. Cllr P Dowen gave a brief verbal update. It was agreed that a response from LPC be submitted to fossegreenenergy.co.uk by the closing date of 18/07/23, to be drafted by Cllr P Dowen and submitted by the Clerk.
g) Central Lincolnshire Local Plan consultee database, the PC, as a consultee, is invited to take part in this public consultation which runs for six weeks from Wednesday 5th July 2023 to 23:59 on Wednesday 16th August 2023.
The consultation document can be viewed online at Consultations | Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (n-kesteven.gov.uk). (circulated to all 05/07/23).
h) Insurance – documents circulated to all on 20/06/23, as agreed at 13/06/23, Minute 13.b). No comments received therefore it is noted that the PC concludes that the insurance cover is accurate.
Nothing to report. 
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliations.
Bank statements were not available prior to the meeting and were supplied by Cllr K Willgoose at the meeting to be recorded in minutes.
The RFO retrospectively reported balances as at 04/07/2023: 
i. HSBC deposit account balance as £33,509.12
ii. HSBC current account balance as £2,036.67
iii. Royal Fund £331.80. 
   Payments received, included in balances £n/a
   Payments due, excluded in balances £n/a
Bank charges: Maintaining the account £8.00, plus £1 per cheque.
a. To ratify payments made between 14/06/2023 – 10/07/2023:
b. To consider any payments due at 11/07/2023: 
Balance of expenditure against budget to date:
It was proposed by Cllr G Luff, seconded by Cllr P Dowen and it was RESOLVED that the statement of accounts and payments be approved.
b) To receive any updates from Cllr K Willgoose regarding the adding Cllr G Luff and Cllr N Johnson to the bank mandate. Cllr K Willgoose had received the forms and passed them to the Clerk. It was agreed that this item be re-addressed if required, following any decision taken on the next item c) below.
c) To consider a new application for online banking and agree arrangements. 
To note that the existing bank account with HSBC does not accommodate online banking. To note that current HSBC costs £167 in year 2022-23.
A report had been circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting, setting out the relevant details and any costs.
It was proposed by Cllr N Johnson, seconded by Cllr P Dowen and it was RESOLVED that an application for a new account be submitted to Lloyds Bank, to include online banking facility and that the signatories be the Clerk/RFO, Cllr M Nelstrop, Cllr G Luff, Cllr K Willgoose.
d) To consider applying for an Equals Card account.
A report had been circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting, setting out the relevant details.
It was proposed by Cllr M Everett, seconded by Cllr G Luff and it was RESOLVED that an application be submitted to Equals for a free of charge pre-loaded debit card account. Card holders were agreed as the Clerk and Cllr M Everett.
Administrator access was agreed as the Clerk and Cllr M Nelstrop. It was noted that additional card holders/administrators could be added if required.
e) Royal Fund update. It was agreed that this item be deferred to the September meeting.
INCOME/GRANTS for note only:
Ringfenced for SID £2,500.00
Ringfenced for election costs £3,000
S137 £9.93 per elector. x310 = £3,078.30
It was proposed Cllr M Everett, by seconded by Cllr N Johnson and it was RESOLVED that the following items a), b), c) and d) be approved:
a) To receive any updates regarding the application for a grant, FCC application 5093. 
a. It was noted that the grant application was by letter from FCC on 15 June 2023, Reference CF-2330. This was addressed to Mrs J Olney, confirming a grant of up to £13,944.24.
b. Mrs Olney has asked to be removed from the application; Cllr M Everett has taken the lead role and the Clerk has been added as the secondary point of contact.
c. Third-party contribution requested received on 26/06/23 and must be submitted within 28 days (28/07/23).
d. Permission to make the third-party contribution by cheque was sought and approved by FCC on 03/07/23. 
e. To note that Cllr K Willgoose is the signatory for third-Party Funding (previously agreed at minute 25/11/22, 4.b.vii.)
b) To consider and note arrangements regarding the funding application:
a. It was noted that an updated quote from Sutcliffe is £12,984.73.
b. It was noted that two other like-for-like quotes have been received and submitted to FCC, along with an explanation of why Sutcliffe is still the preferred supplier, although not the lowest quote.
c. It was noted that Sutcliffe Play Ltd has been asked to amend the name on the quote to Leadenham Parish Council (currently Leadenham Parish Council & Village Hall 5002384D).
d. It was noted that the PC will pay Sutcliffe Play and claim the funding from FCC at the specified time following completion. 
e. It was noted that all invoices must be made to the PC, not FCC.
f. It was agreed that the Clerk/RFO complete a new customer account form which has been received from the supplier, Sutcliffe Play Limited, on behalf of the PC. Terms are 30 days.
g. It was noted that VAT reclaim will be submitted to HMRC following payment to Sutcliffe Play. 
c) It was noted that the Chair, Cllr M Nelstrop, is the signatory for the PC/FCC agreement, when this is received.
d) It was agreed that Cllr M Everett is preparing the Publicity Pack. It was agreed that PR be posted onto the PC website and a link posted onto the Leadenham Village Group Facebook page, as part of this activity. It was noted that an opening event be planned at the completion of the project.
e) Cllr M Everett has reported that the swing-frames have been removed and the ground made good. RoSPA has been informed and advised that the swings should no longer constitute part of the RoSPA report.
a) It was agreed that the Pc apply to LCC for x10 FOC litter picking kits for the Volunteers.
b) It was noted that the PC insurer has specified age range cover for any volunteers as 18 – 80 years of age.
c) To consider adopting a Volunteer Policy. It was agreed that this item be deferred to the September meeting.
This bin has been reported as damaged and is beyond repair.
The Clerk had circulated information and a quote for a bin. Following discussion It was agreed that Cllr M Everett and Cllr P Dowen would investigate alternatives which might be a better model for the site and this would be considered at the September meeting. 
Nothing to report. Cllr G Luff will give an update at the next meeting.
No updates were available.
During reporting on item 13, Cllr M Everett had suggested that gardening long-handled loppers might be considered in due course.
a) To note that the next meeting of the Parish Council is Tuesday 12 September 2023.
b) To note that there will be no meeting in August unless it is required for urgent business.
There being no further business the Acting Chair ended the meeting at 20:55
Signed (Chair).....................................M.NELSTROP...