November 14 2023 - Minutes
Held on Tuesday 14 November 2023, 7.15 pm at Leadenham Village Hall.
PRESENT: Cllr M Nelstrop (Chair), Cllr P Dowen, Cllr M Everett, *Cllr S Hall (see minute 5), Cllr N Johnson, Cllr K Willgoose.
Ruth Keillar (Clerk/RFO).
Also Present: DCllr Lucille Hagues (part meeting)
*1 member(s) of the public present.
CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS. Chair Cllr M Nelstrop welcomed everyone to the meeting. She reported that the resignation of Cllr G Luff had been received, leaving the role of Vice-Chair vacant. Cllr M Nelstrop called for a vote of thanks for the contribution which Cllr G Luff had made during his time as a Cllr, and this was unanimously supported by all.
None. C/DCllr Marianne Overton had advised that she would be unable to attend.
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.
None at this point.
3. PUBLIC FORUM. One member of the public present*
It was proposed by Cllr M Everett, seconded by Cllr K Willgoose and it was RESOLVED that Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10 October 2023 be approved as a true record and signed as Minutes.
An application had been received from Mr Spencer Hall on 15/10/2023 and circulated to Members. It was proposed by Cllr M Nelstrop, seconded by Cllr M Everett and it was RESOLVED that Mr Hall be co-opted to the vacant seat. Mr Hall signed the Acceptance of Office, countersigned by the Clerk, and joined the meeting as Cllr S Hall. Additional papers to complete will be issued to Cllr S Hall, including the RoMI which must be returned to the Clerk within 28 days.
a) Applications received:
i. 23/1309/TPO Description of works: To remove epicormic growth from the base of the tree. Crown lift from the floor of up to 4.5M Location: Hillside House, 39 High Street, Leadenham.
Comments by 27/11/2023. No comments.
b) Decisions received:
22/1304/HOUS and 22/1305/LBC, 51 High Street Leadenham – approved 17/10/2023.
To receive reports from the following:
a) Local Police – click here for information. Police Newsletter – It was noted that police reports have now ceased.
b) District Councillor (DCllr Lucille Hagues, Cllr M Overton). District news – click here.
DCllr Lucille Hagues had nothing to add to her report.
c) County Councillor (Cllr M Overton). Newsletters click here.
d) Village Hall Committee. No new reports were available.
a) Cllr M Everett gave a verbal update.
i. HGV activity is still reduced.
ii. Signage at the A17 turn-off was highlighted. It was agreed to request that better signage be installed at the A17 directing HGVs from the Newark direction to the next, Sleaford Road, junction.
iii. School buses is an ongoing issue. Due to the departure of Cllr Luff, It was agreed that Cllr M Everett and Cllr N Johnson take on the responsibility for liaison with SWRA; a meeting with the school has yet to be confirmed due to non-response. The Clerk will contact the SWRA contact again to arrange a new meeting.
b) Footpath adjacent to the railway bridge. The footpath over the bridge is still very dangerous. An email had been sent to LCC Highways (04/11/23 and 09/11/23). No response had been received. It was agreed to resend following the meeting, with a ‘delivery receipt’ tag.
c) LCC Highways Questionnaire, circulated to all 22/07/2023. It was noted that this had been completed and returned, thanks to Cllr M Everett and Cllr P Dowen.
To consider adopting ‘’ emails for use by all PC Cllrs and staff. Report attached.
It was proposed by Cllr S Hall, seconded by Cllr N Johnson and it was RESOLVED that emails be adopted and domain/hosting purchased from 34sp.
To consider the Parish Clerk’s Report:
a) C/DCllr Marianne Overton has arranged for 30mph signs to be provided FOC; these will be delivered to resident G McLusky.
b) LALC Clerk’s Networking Day incorporating the SLCC Lincolnshire Branch AGM is taking place on 22nd November, 10:00 – 15:30 at Cranwell Village Hall.
c) Remote meetings: On 17 October, MPs debated the amendments made by the House of Lords to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. Disappointingly, the government has disagreed with the amendment (22) that would have enabled the option of remote meetings. The official response is that local authorities should continue to meet in-person to ensure good governance. Though the vote was passed to overturn the amendment, it’s encouraging that during the debate, there was still much cross-party support for the change.
d) LALC Cllr eGroup – any members wishing to join this group may do so however it was suggested that this is done after the new emails are set up. The Clerk will forward details at that time.
e) A member of the public* (Cllr S Hall) has kindly removed the excess ivy from the bus-shelter on Main Road near the junction with North Road and has confirmed that the roof appears to be good at present (01/11/2023). The Chair has asked for a vote of thanks.
f) To note and approve the NALC SCP rates for clerk’s salary from 01/04/2023, released 06/11/2023. Circulated to all 07/11/2023. The rate rise for SCP 24 increased from £16.16 to £17.16. Standard contracted hours are 20 per month.
The new monthly pay will be 20 hours x £17.16 = £343.20.
Back pay for 01/04/23 – 31/10/23 is 20x7 = 140 hours / £140.00.
It was agreed that the increase be approved.
g) Cllr M Everett has highlighted a potential issue with trees in the Parish Field. NKDC run a tree survey scheme, which may be of interest in the future, once location of all parish owned trees is established.
NKDC can attend the site and survey the existing potential issue at a cost of £40 per hour plus travel (approx. 20 miles x £0.53 = £10.60).
Alternatively other arborists could be sought for a quote. Lincolnshire ecoArborists can attend with a free quote but invoice for mileage (tbc).
It was agreed that Cllr M Everett would re-check the location to establish that the trees belonged to the PC and if so, then NKDC be requested to carry out the inspection. The report will be considered at the next meeting.
Nothing to report.
To consider the re-adoption of the Accessibility statement on the PC website.
It was agreed to re-adopt the accessibility statement and to include this as part of the GDPR policies next year.
a) To note that the Q3 report has been received.
b) To note that the LIVES service agreement is due for renewal on 4 November 2023 at a cost of £200 + VAT.
c) To consider the purchase of a new cover following advice from LIVES.
It was proposed by Cllr M Nelstrop, seconded by Cllr N Johnson and it was RESOLVED that the SLA be continued and that a new cabinet be purchased at a cost of £600+£20 delivery (ex VAT) and installed at an estimated cost of £120 and that CIL funding be used for this.
a) To approve the Statement of accounts and bank reconciliation.
1. HSBC Bank accounts: deposit account (****2539) and current account (****1545) were closed on XX/XX/2023 (tbc once final documents have been received).
Funds held were transferred to the new Lloyds Treasurer’s Account (****9760. Statements from 05/10/2023 and close of account confirmation to be supplied by Cllr K Willgoose.
A final record of transactions after 04/10/2023 will be reported at a future meeting, when all documentation is available.
a. To ratify HSBC known payments made between 09/10/2023 – 13/11/2023:
iii. Transfers:
30/10/2023, from HSBC (10531545) to Lloyds (82509760) £10,000.00
07/11/2023, from HSBC (10531545) to Lloyds (82509760) £20,711.67
2. Statement of Accounts – Lloyds, at 09/11/2023:
i. Lloyds Treasurer’s Account (****9760) £5,210.67
ii. Lloyds BB Inst (savings) Account (****7762) £25,001.00
Sub-total £30,211.67
Interest accrued: (November) £2.67
iii. Transfers:
01/11/2023, to Lloyds treasurers (****9760) to Lloyds BB Inst (****7762) £1.00
02/11/2023, from Lloyds Treasurer’s Account (****9760) to Equals Account (****9509) £500.00
07/11/2023, to Lloyds treasurers (****9760) to Lloyds BB Inst (****7762) £25,000.00
3. Statement of Accounts - Equals, at 09/11/2023: £500.00
Total £30,714.34
Balance of accounts at 10/11/2023:
b. To consider any payments at 14/11/2023:
It was noted that other pre-budgeted and approved payments due shortly include:
It was proposed by Cllr M Nelstrop, seconded by Cllr P Dowen and it was RESOLVED that the statement of accounts and payments made/due be approved.
b) Lloyds Accounts
a. To receive any updates regarding the new Lloyds Bank account and the status of Cllr K Willgoose as an authoriser for online transactions. It was noted that although Cllr K Willgoose was on the bank mandate as a signatory, the problem regarding ID which had prevented her from being set up as an online approver had not been resolved during her visit to the branch. It was noted that a new application for online ccess would need to be made by Cllr K Willgoose at some stage.
b. To agree arrangements for:
i. Payments – It was agreed that pre-approved, budgeted and regular payments be processed when required and between meeting and reported fully at the next meeting for ratification.
ii. Transfers – It was agreed that these be actioned by the Clerk/RFO in a timely manner, maintaining a maximum amount in the Lloyds BB Inst A/C (12577762).
iii. authorisation – It was agreed that the clerk/RFO will set up online payments and circulate the request for approval/online authorisation to the bank mandate holders, with all other Cllrs copied in.
c. To consider the addition of a fourth signatory.
It was agreed that Cllr P Dowen be added as a fourth signatory with online access.
d. To note that the Financial Regulations will be checked and updated if required.
(NALC is currently reviewing new FRegs).
It was proposed by Cllr M Nelstrop, seconded by Cllr N Johnson and it was RESOLVED that above section regarding Lloyds be agreed and actioned.
c) Equals Account (52689509):
i. To receive any updates regarding the application for an Equals Card account.
It was noted that the account was open and that cards had been ordered and received for the Clerk and Cllr M Everett. As noted at 14/a/2/iii, £500 had been transferred into the account.
ii. To agree the process for using the card – It was agreed that all purchases require a receipt/invoice to be supplied to the Cler asap after purchase.
iii. To consider agreeing a limit and process for purchases relating to Village Maintenance (including the Play Area) and when inter-meeting purchases can be actioned as an emergency measure. It was agreed that small, regular purchases, e.g. bags for litter/fuel for litter picking, up to a maximum of £50, be actioned without pre-approval and that any other purchases over £50 and for unregular purchases must be pre-approved by the PC at a meeting.
iv. To consider the purchase of long handled loppers, at a cost of an estimated £80.00. It was agreed that this item be approved.
v. To note that the Financial Regulations will be checked and updated.
It was proposed by Cllr S Hall, seconded by Cllr M Nelstrop and it was RESOLVED that the above section regarding Equals be approved and actioned.
d) Insurance for the Village Hall to receive an update.
The Insurer, AJG, amended their quote following the initial pro-forma (£1,665.05 – paid on 10/10/2023, CHQ 501952), to increase by a further £52.42 to £1,717.47.
The Clerk emailed the Insurer to ask for a clear explanation of why the costs had risen yet again, and to express concern with the unsatisfactory processing. No explanation received other than it was an error on the pro-forma. It was agreed that this additional cost be paid.
INCOME/GRANTS for note only:
Ringfenced for SID £2,500.00
Ringfenced for election costs £3,000
S137 £9.93 per elector. x310 = £3,078.30
a) To note any update to works highlighted by the RoSPA report and the new volunteer’s engagement. It was noted that paint and maintenance materials had been sourced and can now be purchased using Equals.
b) To consider any further action required. Cllr M Everett raised the idea of considering a BMX track as a possible next phase. It was noted that space may be an issue and no agreement was made regarding the development of this idea at this time.
It was noted that a member of the public had submitted a draft document however It was agreed that the PC, as the owner of the VH, should be the lead in any SLAs, which should cover all associated users. It was noted that no official SLAs had been in place and that it was desirable to have agreements clearly stating areas of responsibility. It was agreed that it may be preferable to source the costs of engaging an independent consultant. A report will be prepared for the next meeting.
a) Memorials currently in the care of a member of the community – no updates available.
b) War Memorial. NKDC funding details had been clarified and circulated to all. It was agreed that Cllr S Hall take on this project as lead, reporting back to PC for consideration and action.
No items requested at this time.
a) To note that the next meeting of the Parish Council is Tuesday 12 December 2023.
b) It was agreed that dates for 2024 be the second Tuesday of the month:
January 9, February 13, March 12, April 9, May 14 (AMPC to include full PC meeting), June 11, July 9, September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10.
APM tbc.
There being no further business the Chair ended the meeting at 21:00
Signed (Chair)……………M. NELSTROP………Date…19/12/2023…….