The Parish Council is working with a volunteer group to transform, plant and design a beautiful natural area in the parish field. There will be a pic-nic area, relaxing walks, a bio-diverse and eco-friendly environment to be enjoyed by all.
Artist's Impression of the area: HERE
March 2023 - update from the Project Leader:
In November Villages Plant for the Planet planted 200 trees on the Parish Field. These had been given to Villages Plant by the Woodland Trust and contained a number of different species suitable to the particular soil type, these include Hawthorne, Hazel and Elder. We have planted the trees in a randomised pattern along one side of the field, this is to leave the rest of the field in a single block to make it easier to cut for hay in the future. Regular cutting for hay is necessary for the overall wildlife value of the field as it reduces the thickness of the grass and thereby encourages wildflower growth.
We have kept back a number of trees from the Woodland Trust which we will use to replace any lost to predation from deer which we are expecting given high levels of deer in the area.
Over the winter we have also been in contact with Leadenham Primary school to get some of the children involved with some extra tree planting, however, this event had to be cancelled twice given very bad weather conditions. We will, however, ask the school to see if they would instead like to get involved with a small amount of extra tree planting next year.
The Parish Council has purchased a comamorative plaque to site in the field.
April 2022 - update from the Project Leader:
Local wildlife group Villages Plant for the Planet are going to begin managing the Leadenham Parish Field, converting it from a field used for livestock grazing to a community wildlife area. The area will include an area used for tree planting, a wildflower meadow, a picnic area and a community orchard.
We have taken advice from Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust about how best to manage the area for wildlife and we hope to turn it into a space that will be beneficial both for people and nature.