Leadenham Parish Council wish to make a statement to the community regarding the recent reports of letters sent to farmers, and to address any confusion over where this originated.
A member of the community has made the Parish Council aware that they have made a great many reports to the LorryWatch site, reporting vehicles travelling along High Street in the village. Although it may have been useful to report the HGVs unlawfully travelling via High Street to the housing construction site off Main Road, it is apparent that the individual has reported a variety of vehicles, including farming vehicles and this has resulted in letters being sent out to some of those vehicle owners, with the threat of legal action.

Leadenham Parish Council wish to make it clear that this was done by the person acting as a private individual, not as a Parish Councillor, and without the pre-knowledge or approval of the Parish Council. 
The issue was discussed at the meeting held on 13 August 2024, with a District Councillor in attendance, and it was recorded that the farming community is a valued, integral part of the village and at the very heart of the local community and that the farming community has the full support of the Parish Council. 

It was agreed by full council and endorsed by the District Councillor that a statement be made to show full support of the farming community in this matter.

LCC Highways has confirmed that local agricultural vehicles should use the local roads rather than the A17 bypass, for safety reasons and that vehicles of this nature are weight restriction exempt. 
Furthermore, that letters should not have been issued to such vehicles. It may be that the sheer volume of reports had triggered the issuing of letters to these exempt vehicles.

The Parish Council has no control over what any member of the public may do or action they may choose to take.
Councillors must abide by the Code of Conduct; when making any public statements, (e.g. posting online, speaking to the press, making reports or complaints etc), they must do so with the full agreement of the Parish Council and must represent the opinion of the Parish Council as a corporate body. If they fail to do so they are in breach of the Code of Conduct, which is overseen by NKDC.
Where a local person is recognised as a Councillor within their community, they must consider that their actions may be perceived as representing those of the Parish Council and they have a responsibility to act according to the Code of conduct and observe the Nolan Principles during their membership.
Leadenham Parish Council. 14 August 2024.